Who stands behind Venta?


Vent distributed Bio-Circle - a large European group based in Switzerland that has a reputation of gold standard in the area of commercial cleaning and maintenance for more than 30 years

Making green work Changing the way the world is clean, innovation combined with uniqueness, sustainability and environmental responsibility, affiliates in more than 15 countries, partners in 65 countries, 350 employees around the world.

  • A respectable culture of a company with expressed family values

  • Innovations that contribute to the preservation of the environment

  • Continued investment in further research & development

  • Global Leaders in the Technology of Sustainable Surface Protection

Why exactly us?

30 years innovative design by the "Key-to-Hand" system to develop innovative solutions to common problems.

We have the reputation of the gold standard in the field of commercial cleaning and maintenance

Years & Years of Testing & Testing, backed by a multi-million dollar valuable grouping

Design of kitchen equipment, advanced chemistry, evolutionary microbiological processes, flexible and competitive service packages

NSF International ensures safe design and cleaning of appliances and tools used in commercial kitchens for nearly 70 years.

Vent meets all the requirements of quality and safety at local, state and international level after receiving accreditation NSF-a.

Vent products in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard indicate that it displays environmental responsibility by the implementation of an environmental management system.

Independent certification, standards and awards

Organize a free visit

Decide now if Vent is the right product for you. We come for free on the spot, without obligation to buy. Contact us today for cost analysis.

+382 20 226 965
+382 67 252 232

BIOCLEAN d.o.o. II crnogorskog bataljona 2, 81000 Podgorica, Crna Gora
